People / Texas A&M AgriLife Research / Project Leaders / Scientists / June E Wolfe, III

Biology and Water Quality
Dr. Wolfe is involved, primarily, in research investigating erosion and sedimentation caused by land disturbance. He manages and directs the Water Science Laboratory at Texas A&M AgriLife Research’s Blackland Research and Extension Center in Temple, Texas. The laboratory conducts basic research in water resource conservation and management. Environmental field instrumentation and telemetry are used to monitor hydrological parameters of interest. In addition to field work, the laboratory supports analytical capabilities for dissolved nutrients, sediment, and microbial analyses. Water quality data is used to evaluate both aquatic and terrestrial conditions, processes, and effectiveness of land management practices. Wolfe is also interested in the use of grasses as ornamental species to be used in water and resource conserving landscapes of high aesthetic value. Dr. Wolfe is a member of the American Water Resources Association.
Undergraduate Education
B.A. University of Texas
Graduate Education
M.S. Texas A&M University
Ph. D. Baylor University