People / Texas A&M AgriLife Research / Project Leaders / Scientists / Katie Mendoza

Katie Mendoza
Research Specialist III
Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to model water quality impacts
Katie Mendoza received her Master’s in Meteorology from Florida State University. Since then, she has studied the impacts of Natural Decadal Climate Variability on water resources and agriculture using various methods and tools, including the SWAT and EPIC models. Katie’s work involved collecting, analyzing, visualizing, and evaluating data to offer meaningful and actionable information to diverse stakeholder groups. At Blackland, Katie uses SWAT to model transport of pollutants to assess surface and ground water quality impacts, effects on natural resources, and potential land-use change. She also contributes to enhancing the capabilities of the online user interface of the HAWQS tool.
Undergraduate Education
B.S. Meteorology, Florida State University
Graduate Education
M.S. Meteorology, Florida State University