People / Texas A&M AgriLife Research / Project Leaders / Scientists / Javier M. Osorio Leyton

Dr. Osorio Leyton’s research interest focus on linking process-based simulation models, geospatial analysis, machine learning, and data analytics to support data-driven decision-making for agriculture, and natural resource management. In addition, his research experience includes the development and application of simulation models, remote sensing, and spatial statistics for ecosystem management. Dr. Osorio Leyton is the P.I. of the project “Establishing and Strengthening Predictive Livestock Early Warning System (PLEWs) in Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, and South Sudan” sponsored by the United Nations-The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The project contributes to the development of the Predictive Livestock Early Warning System (PLWES) in East Africa and other parts of the world. PLEWS provides estimates of livestock forage and water availability and their deviations from average conditions, this information on forage and water status, can assist in adaptive management decisions to improve drought response and reduce risks. Dr. Osorio Leyton also works overseeing data analytics, model application, and advance modeling research and analyses related to the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service’s Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) to inform national and regional scale agricultural and natural resource conservation policy, with an emphasis on water and soil quality, food security, and rural stability. Dr. Osorio Leyton received his Ph.D. in Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, his MS in Animal Production at National Agrarian University La Molina (Pe), and his BS in Agronomy from the University of San Simon (Bo). Dr. Osorio Leyton serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of International Soil and Water Conservation Research (ISWCR). Dr. Osorio Leyton is a member of Alpha Epsilon, Honor Society of Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineering (AE), Society for Range Management (SRM), American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), American Water Resources Association (AWRA), and the Bolivian Society of Engineers (SBI).
Undergraduate Education
B.E., Agronomy Engineering, University of San Simon
Graduate Education
M.S., Animal Science, National Agrarian University
Ph.D., Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech