People / Texas A&M AgriLife Research / Project Leaders / Scientists / Jungang Gao

Jungang Gao
Assistant Research Scientist
Hydrological Modeling and Climate Change
Dr. Gao works with an interdisciplinary team to develop a national SWAT/APEX simulation framework to support the Conservation Effects and Assessment Program (CEAP). Major work includes preparing and processing large data sets for use in CEAP national model assessments by developing software and tools with Microsoft .NET and Python languages, performing statistical analyses with various time-series and spatial data, as well as SWAT model auto-calibration and validation using monitoring data derived from various sources. Activities in collaboration with other scientist include providing and engaging in user support for the SWAT model. Dr. Gao is a member of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE).
Undergraduate Education
B.S. Inner Mongolia University
Graduate Education
M.S. Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ph.D. Chinese Academy of Sciences