People / Texas A&M AgriLife Research / Project Leaders / Scientists / Luca Doro

Cropping Systems Modeling
Dr. Doro has a great interest in the development and application of simulation models to agro-ecosystems at field and small watershed scale to assess their performances, sustainability, and dynamics considering factors such as the conservation of natural resources and the impact of climate change while defining possible adaptation and mitigation strategies. Dr. Doro’s main duty is to provide support to the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) modeling team lead by Dr. Lee Norfleet of the United State Department of Agriculture – Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS). While his main assignment is the development of a database for the regional calibration of the Agricultural Policy Environmental eXtender -APEX model (one of the simulation models used in the CEAP activity), because of his skills, Dr. Doro is constantly involved in the evaluation of the model outputs, model calibration, and debug of the APEX model source code. He is also involved in training on the use of the APEX and EPIC models.
Graduate Education
M.S. in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, University of Sassari.
Ph.D. in Agrometeorology and Ecophysiology of Agricultural and Forestry Systems, University of Sassari