People / Texas A&M AgriLife Research / Project Leaders / Scientists / Arun Bawa

Dr. Bawa is an Assistant Professor at Blackland Research and Extension Center- Texas A&M AgriLife Research since March 2022. He received his PhD from South Dakota State University in 2021. Dr. Bawa’s research interests include (1) analysis of hydrologic and environmental impacts of changes in land use and management and (2) assessment of regenerative agricultural practices focusing on soil- and water-related ecosystem services through field experiments as well as modeling frameworks. He addresses conservation practices related stakeholders’ concerns using his advanced modeling, analytical, and technical skills. Since 2018, he has been an active member of three major soil and water management agricultural societies, including tri-societies (ASA-CSA-SSSA), the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ASABE), and the American Geophysical Union (AGU).
B.Tech. Civil Engineering, DCR University of Science and Technology (2014)
M.E. Environmental Engineering, Punjab Engineering College (2016)
Ph.D. Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, South Dakota State University (2021)