Research / Water Science Laboratory / Dr. June Wolfe III – Curriculum Vitae


2009    Doctor of Philosophy, Biology (Aquatic Microbiology), Baylor University, Waco, Texas  

Dissertation title:  The effect of suspended bentonite and kaolinite clays on phosphorus uptake and release by lotic periphyton

1994    Master of Science, Horticulture, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas  

Thesis title:  An evaluation of water use, aesthetic performance, and public reaction to six native Texas and six introduced ornamental grasses

1986   Bachelor of Arts, with concentration on Biology (major) and Chemistry (minor), The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.   


Professional Experience:

1996-present.  Associate Research Scientist.  Texas A&M University System / Texas AgriLife Research / Blackland Research and Extension Center (BREC) / Water Science Laboratory, 720 East Blackland Road, Temple, Texas.  Duties:

  • Cooperate with personnel from federal, state, and local entities in the planning, implementation, management, and reporting of numerous soil and water related programs
  • Participate in data collection, data management, and statistical analysis
  • Produce grant proposals, research articles, and technical reports
  • Deliver written and oral presentations at conferences, meetings, and workshops
  • Manage BREC Water Science Laboratory analytical and quality assurance procedures
  • Design monitoring programs using automated water sampling and logging instrumentation
  • Supervise and direct technical and student labor
  • Serve as BREC Safety Officer

1991-1995 Research Associate. Texas A&M University Soil and Crop Science Department, College Station, Texas.  Duties:

  • Assist faculty and graduate students with laboratory and field research activities investigating sub-surface water flow through structured soils
  • Construct electronic sensors and maintain electronic field data collection systems
  • Manage departmental computer laboratory
  • Supervise student labor

1987-1990 Research Technician II. Texas A&M University / Texas Agricultural Experiment Station / Blackland Research and Extension Center / Crop Physiology Laboratory, 808 East Blackland Road, Temple, Texas.  Duties:

  • Provide technical assistance with crop root physiology research projects
  • Develop operating procedures of the BREC aeroponic facility used to examine phenotypic plasticity and heritability of rooting characteristics in sorghum and rice
  • Assist with design, construction, and operation of the BREC rhizotron system used to document temperature effects on sorghum and cotton root growth


Teaching experience:

2015-current Lecturer.   Prepare and present wastewater microbiology portion of Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Course: 0436 – Analyzing Wastewater Systems for High Strength and Hydraulic Loading

2014-current Graduate Faculty. Texas A&M University Office of Graduate Studies.

2013-2019 Mentor.  Provide summer research opportunity for local college students participating in the NSF’s Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program (STEP) administered through the Texas Bioscience Institute, Temple Texas

2008-current Lecturer.  Bell County Master Naturalist Program, Temple, Texas

  • Prepare and deliver lectures (aquatic ecosystem structure and function)
  • Lead field demonstrations and student exercises

1999 – 2000 Adjunct Professor, Department of Biology, Temple College, Temple, Texas

  • Taught general biology evening courses; including laboratory
  • Prepared and delivered lectures, laboratory exercises, and field exercises
  • Evaluated student progress

1992 Teaching Assistant, TX A&M Univ., Dept. Soil and Crop Sci., College Station, Texas

  • Assisted with laboratory portion of environmental instrumentation graduate course
  • Assembled environmental sensor circuits and programmed data loggers
  • Taught basic electronics and electronic construction techniques

1993 Teaching Assistant, TX A&M Univ., Dept. of Hort. Sci., College Station, Texas

  • Taught laboratory portion of undergraduate landscape design course
  • Demonstrated basic drafting techniques and organized field trips


Grants and contracts:

  • 2020-2022: Research contract – Texas A&M University System, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Army Fort Hood Garrison, and Fort Hood Directorate of Public Works – The development and implementation of a comprehensive flood warning program, Award amount 1,285,000
  • 2019-2021: Research Contract – Texas Commission on Environmental Quality – Evaluating current Aerobic Treatment Unit designs under increased strength organic due to water conservation, Award amount: $211,000.
  • 2019-2020: Research Collaboration – Texas A&M AgriLife Extension – Evaluation and visualization of soil moisture instrumentation data, Award amount, $53,000.
  • 2018-2019: Research contract – Edwards Aquifer Authority – Data processing and statistical analysis for project investigating sediment exports from the Sessom Creek Watershed delivered to the San Marcos River – Cooperating with Texas State University, Award amount: $38,000
  • 2016-2018 – Research contract – Texas Water Development Board, Assessment of the Nolan Creek Flood Alert System in Bell County, TX, $24,000.
  • 2012-2916: Research contracts – Fort Hood Integrated Training Area Management program – Erosion associated with military activity and land practices using water quality measurements, Award amount $88,000 – $175,000 (variable, year dependent)
  • 2013: Research contract – United States Department of Agriculture / Agricultural Research Service – Demonstration and Validation of a Linked Watershed-Riverine Modeling System for DOD Installations, Award amount $15,000
  • 2012 – 2015: Research contract – United States Department of Agriculture / Agricultural Research Service, Application of the Swat Model to Determine the Environmental Sustainability of Feedstock Product of Biofuels in Hawaii, Award amount: $79,500
  • 2010-2012: Research contract – Texas Soil and Water Conservation Board (administered by the Texas Water Resources Institute), Bacterial source tracking to support the development of watershed protection plans for the Lampasas and Leon Rivers, Award amount: $268,000
  • 2002-2004: Research grant – U. S. Geological Survey (administered by the Texas Water Resources Institute), phosphorus processes in artificial streams, Award amount: $5000



Awards and Fellowships:

2009 – Research Fellowship – National Science Foundation / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute, Washington D.C. / Tokyo

2008 – Travel Award – Center for Reservoir and Aquatic Systems Research, Waco, Texas

2005 – Travel Award – Baylor University Graduate School, Waco, Texas

2003, 2005 – Folmar Research Awards – Baylor University, Waco, Texas

2001 – Travel Fellowship – Baylor University, Department of Biology, Waco, Texas

2000 – Scientific/Technical Employee of the year, BREC, Temple, Texas

1994 Travel Award, Texas A&M, Department of Horticulture, College Station, Texas


Professional and Honorary Society and Memberships:


Texas On-Site Wastewater Association

American Water Resources Association

National Hydrologic Warning Council

Texas Academy of Science

US-Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science Alumni Association



Soil and Water Conservation Society

North American Benthological Society

Texas River and Reservoir Management Society

Sigma Xi, Scientific research society

Pi Alpha Xi – Collegiate honor society of horticulture

Gamma Sigma Delta – Honor society of agriculture


Other Professional Activities:

2019 to current – Board Member – National Hydrologic Warning Council

2017 to 2020 – Board Member – Texas Academy of Science

2014, 2015, 2016 – Reviewer – National Science Foundation biological proposals

2013 to current – Invited reviewer, various professional journals



Meki, MN, Jeong J, Gerik T, Wolfe J, Hassell, L, Piccinni G, and Gates J (2020) Adapting the APEX model to simulate detasseling in inbred corn for hybrid seed production.  Transactions of ASABE 63(5):1169-1179.

LaDuc TJ, Terry M, May M, Wolfe JE, III, Hill SK, Pannell KH, Gonzalez-Lima F, and Frantzen AS, (2019) The Proposed U.S.-Mexico Border Barrier: The Writing is on the wall. Texas Journal of Science: 2019, Vol. 71, No. 1, Editorial 2.

Yen, H, Wang R, Feng Q, Young C-C, Chen S-T, Tseng W-H, Wolfe JE, III, White MJ, and Arnold JG (2018) Input uncertainty on watershed modeling: Evaluation of precipitation and air temperature data by latent variables using SWAT.  Ecological Engineering 122:16-26.

Harmel RD, Hathaway JM, Wagner KL, Wolfe JE, Karthikeyan R, Francesconi W, McCarthy DT (2016) Uncertainty in monitoring E. coli concentrations in streams and stormwater runoff.  Journal of Environmental Quality.

Angerer JP, Fox WE, and Wolfe JE (2015) Land Degradation in Rangeland Ecosystems.  In: Sivanpillai and Shroder (Ed.) Biological and Environmental Hazards, Risks, and Disasters. pp. 277-311. Elsevier Publishing, New York.

Yen H, Yu-Wen S, Wolfe JE, III, Shien-Tsung C, Yu-Chao H, Wen-Hsiao T, Bradley DM, Jeong J, and Arnold JG. (2015) Assessment of Input Uncertainty by Seasonally Categorized Latent Variables Using SWAT. Journal of Hydrology 531:685-695.

Dunbar J, Allen P, White J, Neupane R, Xu T, Wolfe J, and Arnold J (2015) Characterizing a shallow groundwater system beneath irrigated sugarcane with electrical resistivity and radon (222Rn), Puunene, Hawaii.  Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 20(2):165-181.

Mori Y, Somura H, Wolfe JE, and Nonaka T (2015) Challenges to Establishing Environmental Resource Recycling Society after Texas Water Environment Project. Water, Land and Environmental Engineering 83(1):7-10. (in Japanese).

Wilcox BP, Fox WE, Prcin LJ, McAlister J, Wolfe JE, Thomas DM, Knight RW, Hoffman DW, and Smeins FE (2012) Contour ripping is more beneficial than composted manure for restoring degraded rangelands in Central Texas.  Journal of Environmental Management 111:87-95.

Matsumoto I, Wolfe JE, III, Hoffman DW, and Ishiga H (2010) Longitudinal distribution of heavy metals in fluvial sediments of the Trinity River, Texas.  Texas Journal of Science 62:223-236.

Wolfe J E, III and Lind OT (2010) Phosphorus uptake and turnover by periphyton in the presence of suspended clays.  Limnology 11:31-37.

Wang X, Hoffman DW, Wolfe JE, Williams JR, and Fox WE (2009) Modeling the effectiveness of conservation practices at Shoal Creek Watershed, Texas using APEX.  Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 52:1181-1192.

Wolfe JE, III, Lind OT, and Hoffman DW (2009) A constant-volume artificial stream for reducing variation in aquatic process measurements. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 52:319-325.

Wolfe JE, III and Lind OT (2008) Influence of suspended clay on phosphorus uptake by periphyton.  Hydrobiologia 610:211-222.

Srinivasan R, Hoffman DW, Wolfe, JE, III, and Prcin, LJ (2008) Evaluation of removal of orthophosphate and ammonia from rainfall runoff using aboveground permeable reactive barrier composed of limestone and zeolite.  Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A 43:1441-1450.

Harmel D, Rossi CG, Dybala T, Arnold J, Potter K, Wolfe J, and Hoffman D (2008) Conservation Effects Assessment Project research in the Leon River and Riesel watersheds.  Journal of soil and water conservation 63:453-460.

Harmel RD, King KW, Wolfe JE, and Torbert HA (2002) Minimum flow considerations for automated storm sampling on small watersheds.  Texas Journal of Science 54:177-188.

Wolfe, JE, III, Potter KN, and Hoffman DW (2000) A device for simulating overland flow.  Journal of soil and water conservation 55:102-104.

Wolfe, JE, III and Zajicek JM (1998) Are ornamental grasses acceptable alternatives for low maintenance landscapes?  J. Environ. Hort. 16:8-11.

Wolfe, J, Zajicek JM, and Hussey MA (1994) A performance evaluation on twelve species of ornamental grasses under water stress in greenhouse and field conditions.  HortScience 29(5):457.

Bland, WL, Mesarch MA, and Wolfe, JW, III (1990) A controlled-temperature rhizotron.  Crop Science 30:1142-1145.


Technical Reports:

Schwartz B, Nowlin W, Hardy T, Jeong J, and Wolfe J, III (2019) Sessom Creek Sediment Export Study – Final report, Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan Proposal No. 160-17-TESS.  Edwards Aquifer Authority.  San Antonio, TX. 113 pg.

Wolfe, JE, III (2018) Nolan Creek Flood Alert System: Operational Assessment and Recommendations.  Texas Water Development board, Scheibe Consulting, LLC and Central Texas Council of Governments.  Belton, Texas.  140 pg.

Fox W, Wolfe J, and Cassens, R (2018) Clymer Meadow Monitoring Program: Final Report – The Nature Conservancy. Washington D.C. 46 pg.

Johnson B, Howard H, and Wolfe J, III (2014) The demonstration and validation of a linked watershed-riverine modeling system for DOD installations – Fort hood Texas.  Environmental Security Technology Certification Program, Report RC-201302.  Fort Hood, Texas.  105 pg.

Wolfe JE, III (2014) Nolan Creek flow: Potential changes related to upstream influences.  Report prepared for the City of Belton, Texas.

Gregory L, Casarez E, Truesdale J, Di Giovanni G, Owen T, and Wolfe J (2013) Bacterial Source Tracking to Support the Development and Implementation of Watershed Protection Plans for the Lampasas and Leon River – Lampasas River Watershed Final Report.  TSSWCB Project 10-52

Gregory L, Casarez E, Truesdale J, Di Giovanni G, Owen T, and Wolfe J (2012) Bacterial Source Tracking to Support the Development and Implementation of Watershed Protection Plans for the Lampasas and Leon River – Leon River Watershed Final Report.  TSSWCB Project 10-51

Wolfe JE, III (2009-2015) Annual report compiling BREC, USDA, and IRNR monitoring activity data on the Fort hood Military Reservation.   “Integrated Training Area Management Range and Training Land Assessment”.  Fort Hood, Texas.

Hoffman DW and Wolfe JE, III (2005) Monitoring Program to evaluate water quantity and quality impacts of vegetation restoration in the Leon River watershed.  The Texas A&M University System, Blackland Research and Extension Center. BRC-05-03.

O’Toole, J. and Wolfe JE, III   1990.  Aeroponic culture system for root studies.  Texas Agricultural Experiment Station.  Texas A&M University System Miscellaneous Publication -1704


Conference Presentations:

Wolfe J, Jantrania A, Bonaiti G, and Gerlich R (2020) On site wastewater research at Texas A&M University.  National Onsite Wastewater and Reuse Association – Onsite Wastewater Mega-Conference.  17 November – Presented virtually.

Wolfe, J (2020) Stream gauges and high-water data interpretation: Signage strategies for flooding.  American Society of Civil Engineers – Texas Section – Civil Engineering Conference (CECON2020) – 5 November, Presented virtually.

Wolfe, J (2019) Everything is relative: Understanding the meaning of stage.  National Hydrologic Warning Council 13th Biennial Training Conference and Exposition.  17-20 June.  Louisville, KY.

Wolfe J, J Jeong, and K Paulk (2018) Simulating urban irrigation practices to optimize outdoor municipal water use.  American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 10-14 December, Washington D.C.

Wolfe J, J Jeong, and G Miller.  (2017) Aquifer storage and recovery: Can we make it work?  17th Annual Bell County Water Symposium.  15 Nov.  Killeen Texas.

Manyowa N Meki, Jaehak Jeong, Thomas Gerik, June Wolfe III, Louis Hassell, Giovanni Piccinni and John Gates (2017) Epic/Apex Model Simulation of Hybrid Corn Seed Production Scenarios. Poster presented at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Tri-society Annual Meeting, Oct 22-25, 2017, Tampa, FL, USA

Wolfe JE, III and Jantrania A (2017) Combining climate change scenarios and hydrological modeling to support water infrastructure planning with a focus on aquifer storage and recovery (ASR). Universities Council on Water Resources / National Institute for Water Resources Annual Conference “Water in a changing environment”, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Jantrania J, Srinivasan R, and Wolfe J (2017) Lessons learned from a Waste-to-Reuse-and-Energy project at a dairy facility in Texas.  Paper Number: 1700310.  American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting.  July 16-19. Spokane, Washington.

Yen H, Su YW, Wolfe JE, Chen ST, Hsu YC, Tseng WH, Brady DM, Jeong J, and Arnold JG (2017) Applications of seasonally categorized latent variables on precipitation data using the SWAT model.  International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering.  Nov 6-10.  Tainan, Taiwan.

Wolfe JE, III, White, M. and Allen P. (2015) Compiling soft data to optimize automated model calibration.  American Water Resources Association Annual Meeting.  November 16-19.  Denver Colorado.

Jantrania A and Wolfe JE, III (2015) The need for a Sustainable Water Infrastructure Planning and Evaluation System, “SWIPES”.   National Institutes for Water Resources and Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. Annual Meeting.   June 16-18.  Henderson, Nevada.

Wolfe JE, III (2015) Drought and Water Supplies in Texas:  Research directions.  Shimane University Senior Graduation Session KANKYO-TERAKOYA for Science and Environment, January 31, Matsue, Japan.

Wolfe JE, III, and Hoffman DW (2009) Using bio-mediated sorption processes to improve functionality of recycled concrete materials used for pollutant management in brackish coastal areas. Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium and Workshop. December 1-3.  Washington D.C.

Wolfe JE, III, and Hoffman DW (2009) Measuring BMP effect on Fort Hood training area erosion using water quality field data and the APEX model.  From Dust Bowl to Mud Bowl:  Sedimentation, conservation measures and the future of reservoirs.  Soil and Water Conservation Society special conference.  September 14-16. Kansas City, Missouri.

Wolfe JE, III, Nonaka T, Kuwabara T, and Somura H (2009) Effect of Lake Shinji periphyton upon phosphorus sorption by concrete.   August 21.  Shimane University, Matsue, Japan.

Matsumoto I, Hoffman D, Wolfe J, McAlister J, and Ishiga H (2009) Comparative study of heavy metal concentration of stream sediments on major rivers of Texas, USA and several rivers of Japan.  Goldschmidt™2009 – “Challenges to Our Volatile Planet”.  June 21-26.  Davos, Switzerland.

Wolfe JE, III (2009) Characterizing bio-mediated sorption processes to improve functionality of recycled concrete materials used for remediation of phosphorus eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems.  Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Summer, Research Fellows Symposium – June 16-17.  Sokendai University, Tokyo, Japan

Wolfe JE, III, and Hoffman DW (2009) Flood warning system uses Modbus water level sensors and GSM cellular modems to protect soldiers and civilians. National Hydrologic Warning Council 8th Biennial Conference and Exposition.  May 18-21. Vail, Colorado

Wolfe JE, III and Lind OT (2008) Suspended clay effect upon phosphorus uptake and release by stream periphyton.  International Symposium Restoration and Management of Wetlands: Case studies and significant knowledge.  March 1 – 2.  Matsue, Japan.

Hoffman DW, and JE Wolfe (2008) Using an APEX model “no-practice scenario” to evaluate Fort Hood environmental field programs.  International Symposium Restoration and Management of Wetlands: Case studies and significant knowledge.  March 1 – 2.  Matsue, Japan.

Srinivasan R, Hoffman DW, and Wolfe JE, III (2008) Evaluating aboveground permeable reactive barrier materials: sorption efficiencies for orthophosphate-P and ammonia-N onto zeolite and limestone.   American Chemical Society 235th National Meeting and Exposition.  April 6-10.  New Orleans, Louisiana.

Wolfe JE, III, Hoffman DW, Gerik TJ (2008) Quantifying runoff and erosion response to conservation practices at Fort Hood, Texas.   World Environmental & Water Resources Congress.   May 12-16. Honolulu, Hawaii.

Hoffman, DW, Gerik TJ, and Wolfe JE, and (2008) Bathymetric Survey and Acoustic Sediment Profiling of Fort Hood, Texas Sediment Retention Ponds and Cowhouse Reach, Belton Lake. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress.   May 12-16. Honolulu, Hawaii.

Paruzinski JD, Hoffman DW, and Wolfe JE (2008) Flood early warning system.   Army Sustainable Range Program Workshop.  July 8-11.  San Antonio, Texas.

Hoffman DW and Wolfe JE, III (2008) Implementation of a flood alert system for Fort Hood. Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium and Workshop. December 2-4.  Washington D.C.

Hoffman and Wolfe (2006) Evaluating Erosion Reducing BMP’s using Watershed Scale Water Quality Data on the Fort Hood Military Reservation.  Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting. July 24-28. Keystone, Colorado.

Hoffman, DW and Wolfe, JE, III (2006) Evaluating erosion-reducing Military Access Structures with water quality data.  Fifteenth Annual Integrated Area Training Management Workshop.  August 7-10.  Manhattan, Kansas.

Wolfe JE, III (2005) Effect of smectite and kaolinite clays on phosphorus cycling by stream periphyton.   American Society of Limnology and Oceanography / North American Benthological Society joint meeting. February 22-25.  Salt Lake City, Utah

Wolfe JE, III (2005) Effect of clay minerals on phosphorus cycling by stream periphyton.  Texas River and Reservoir Management Society annual meeting.  May 16-17.  Waco, Texas

McAlister J, Hoffman D, and Wolfe J, III (2005) Bathymetric methods to manage sediment retention ponds at Fort Hood, Texas.  Fourteenth Annual Integrated Area Training Management Workshop.  August 1-4.  Indianapolis, Indiana.

Hoffman, D.  and Wolfe JE, III (2005) The Value of Long-Term Water Quality Monitoring at Fort Hood, Texas.  Fourteenth Annual Integrated Area Training Management Workshop.  August 1-4.  Indianapolis, Indiana.

Wolfe, J.E., and O. T. Lind (2004) Effect of smectite and kaolinite clays on phosphorus uptake by stream periphyton.  107th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science.  March 4-6.   Kerrville, Texas.

Hoffman D, Wolfe J, Rosenthal W, and Paruzinski J (2004) Documenting Erosion Reduction Associated with Land Management Practices using Water Quality Monitoring Techniques at Fort Hood, Texas.  Thirteenth Annual Integrated Area Training Management Workshop.  August 16-20. San Francisco, California.

Hoffman DW, Wolfe JE, III, and Paruzinski J (2003) Stream and Sediment Loading Changes Associated with Land Management Practices at Fort Hood, Texas.  Twelfth Annual Integrated Training Area Management Workshop.  August 18-22. El Paso, Texas.

Rosenthal WD, Hoffman DW, and Wolfe J III (2003) Simulated and measured sediment loadings before and after BMP implementation on a military base watershed.  American Society of Agricultural Engineers Annual International Meeting.  27-30 July.  Las Vegas Nevada.

Hoffman DW, and Wolfe JE, III (2002) Evaluating Erosion-Reducing Best Management Practices with Water Quality Data on the Fort Hood Military Reservation.   Eleventh Annual Integrated Training Area Management Workshop.  August 19-23.  Savannah, Georgia.

Wolfe JE, III, Hoffman DW, and Rosenthal WP (2001) Storm Flow and Sediment Monitoring at Fort Hood, Texas.  Tenth Annual Integrated Training Area Management Workshop.  August 27-31.  Nashville, Tennessee.

Wolfe JE, III, Hoffman D, Rosenthal W, and Jones D (2000) Methodology for Determining Storm Flow and Sediment Loading at Fort Hood, Texas.  Ninth Annual Integrated Area Training and Management Workshop.  August 20-24. Richmond, Virginia.