People / Texas A&M AgriLife Research / Research Support / Lisa Prcin

Water Quality Monitoring / Range Revegetation Methods
Lisa serves as the Watershed Coordinator and manages all aspects of the Lampasas River Watershed Partnership, including data collection, grant and report writing. Lisa has worked in water resources since 2004 and holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Animal Science from Tarleton State University (2003) and a Master’s of Science in Rangeland Ecology and Management from Texas A&M University (2009).
In the early days of her career with Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Lisa specialized in restoration of disturbed military lands, erosion control methods on rangelands and stormwater sampling. For the last 7 years, she has worked with landowners, homeowners, and local, state and federal agencies to improve surface water quality in the Lampasas River and its tributaries. This culminated in the development of the Lampasas River Watershed Protection Plan. This watershed protection plan was the 4th in the state of Texas to receive EPA acceptance and stakeholder approval in 2013. Lisa now oversees the implementation of the watershed protection plan through projects which provide, financial and technical assistance and educational programs to stakeholders and seeking funding to facilitate these programs. Copies of the watershed protection plan and more information can be found at
Undergraduate Education
B.S., Animal Science, Tarleton State University
Graduate Education
M.S., Rangeland Ecology and Management