Integrated Decision Support System
February 2023
Texas A&M’s Blackland Research Center and Agricultural and Food Policy Center have developed the Integrated Decision Support System (IDSS), a modeling platform containing SWAT, APEX, and a farm-level economic simulation model (FARMSIM). The IDSS was developed as part of a 10-year USAID project to analyze the economic, food production, and environmental effects of small-scale irrigation in Ethiopia and Ghana. FARMSIM is being used by Dr. Jean-Claude Bizimana to evaluate the probable environmental, crop production, and economic impacts of adopting agricultural conservation practices and technologies for small and medium-sized farms. In an extension of that work, the team is developing a version of HAWQS (at 10 km grid scale) for Ghana to evaluate the impacts of replanting cacao plantations and small-scale mining on soil and water quality.
Future plans include incorporation of FARMSIM into HAWQS to greatly facilitate its use in conjunction with SWAT+. See for more information.
The University of Florida Livestock Innovation Lab is working with Blackland Research Center (Dr. Jaehak Jeong) and the Texas A&M University Agriculture and Food Policy Institute (Dr. Bizimana) to develop an IDSS model to analyze the effects of livestock stocking rates on livestock production and farm-scale economics in Rwanda.