February 2023
Customized HAWQS platforms that greatly facilitate the use of SWAT (and soon SWAT+) are now available for the entire states of Texas, Oklahoma, and South Carolina, as well as for over a dozen drinking water reservoirs in Texas managed by Tarrant Regional Water District, Trinity River Authority, North Texas Municipal Water District, and Lower Colorado River Authority.
In late 2022 Dr. Srinivasan spent over a month with Dr. Balaji Narasimhan in Madras, India completing the development of HUMID, a version of HAWQS for India, a major project funded by the Indian government in cooperation with the World Bank
Customized versions of HAWQS are being developed for Poland and South Africa and the South African National Water Resources Infrastructure Agency in cooperation with the German Agency for Technological Cooperation (GTZ), respectively.
A version of HAWQS called SUPer has been developed by the Federal University of Pernambuco and the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco for the Brazilian state of Pernambuco. Dr. David Costa of the Federal University of Pernambuco will be coming to College Station in May 2023 to begin a one-year post-doctoral fellowship with Dr. Srinivasan and others. We are confident that recently announced increases in Brazilian government funding for research will allow expansion of HAWQ-like platforms in Brazil.