Dr. Srinivasan named Interim BREC Director – Sept 2019
September 2019

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Raghavan “Srini” Srinivasan as director of the Texas A&M AgriLife Blackland Research and Extension Center at Temple, effective today.
Dr. Srinivasan has been an important contributor to the Blackland Center’s research for over 20 years. A Regents Fellow and AgriLife Research Fellow, he holds joint appointments with the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management and the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. He also directs the Spatial Sciences Laboratory at Texas A&M University.
Dr. Srinivasan is known internationally for computational modeling of hydrology, water quality and spatial sciences problems. Among many other honors, he received the 2012 Norman Hudson Memorial Award from the World Association of Soil and Water Conservation for the development and worldwide application of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Dr. Srinivasan’s research has yielded long-lasting improvements in natural resource assessments and management options in more than 90 countries. He frequently travels abroad to teach workshops for students and professionals.
Dr. Srinivasan earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in agricultural engineering at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in Tamil Nadu, India, and the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok. He earned a doctorate in agricultural engineering from Purdue University.
I am delighted Dr. Srinivasan has agreed to serve in this important role and know he will continue to expand the science base at the Temple Center. Please join me in welcoming him to the AgriLife leadership team.
Thank you,

Patrick J. Stover, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor and Dean for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Texas A&M AgriLife
Director, Texas A&M AgriLife Research